Extra Irish Espresso Martini

You‘ve probably heard of an Irish Espresso martini before, it’s just a regular espresso martini with Irish whiskey instead of vodka. This takes it one step farther and adds a little taste of the pride of Ireland to the mix, Guinness. The dark stout compliments the espresso so well they went ahead and canned a nitro coffee stout themselves. You’ll rarely catch me buying canned coffee or cocktails so here’s a recipe for how to make one at home!

Extra Irish Espresso Martini


  • 1 oz Espresso chilled

  • 1 oz Coffee Liqueur

  • 1 oz Irish Cream

  • 1.5 oz Irish Whiskey

  • Guinness

Method: In a shaker, combine all ingredients except for Guinness. Top with ice and shake for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled coupe glass and add about 2 oz of Guinness to top. Garnish with coffee beans.


Little Green Thing


I Didn’t Text You, Tequila Did